Friday, April 4, 2008

Vogue Cover

I'm not sure if anyone has heard about the Vogue cover but it seems to be the most relevant thing ever to what we have been talking about in class.

Personally, while I think that the cover confirms stereotypes about women and African Americans, the playfulness in the scene and the lack of a concrete product associated with these stereotyped people makes me less critical of the cover.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Efficiency and Capitalism

(my apologies to Brian)

So check out this video. It's Lewis Black ranting about seeing two Starbucks across the street from each other. I think it's pertinent because it shows our society's love affair with designer coffee and our need to get that coffee as quickly as possible. I'm assuming that the Starbucks are right next to each out of perceived necessity. (People waiting in line for too long when there was only one Starbucks). Though, funny though Black's rant is, Starbucks isn't the only company that is able to position its stores in close proximity to one another. In Oahu on Waikiki Beach there are about 25 ABC stores within a 4 mile radius - and they're all full 24 hours a day.

What do you guys make of this? Capitalism at its best perhaps...but is it necessarily efficient?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Retail Alphabet Game

Check this out -- the Retail Alphabet Game. Guess the name of retailers by way of brand recognition.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Treachery of Images...

...and Advertising.

I love this! There are so many things going on here- is it irony or parody? and if it is an ironic or parodic take on Magritte's painting (which is ironic itself, no?) then is this double irony? Or is it just a double entendre? Or is this a triple entendre?

I know those are kind of boring questions to ask, but I think that one thing about our acculturation to irony is that we as a generation (or perhaps I'm just projecting here) tend to over use the word without really understanding what it means.

Thoughts? Definitions? Better questions or observations about these pieces??

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Piracy, BitTorrent, The Future of Advertising

Hi all! I just wanted to share with you this link to a video on youtube. It's an Australian conference of some sort and it touches on a lot of things regarding advertising. It mentions BitTorrent, software piracy, TV broadcast in relation to the computing age, "harnessing" the effects of piracy, and the future of TV and advertising in general.
It's one heck of a watch if it's your first time seeing this. There are a total of 7 parts to this video (7 parts x9 mins = an hour or so). You don't need to see all of it because it gets a little repetitive but it's definitely an interesting take on the future of ads.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This is a student-created imagining of the possibilities of the future of the internet/publishing, made in 2005. A lot of our class discussions have reminded me of this video, so I wanted to share it with you.

What do you think?? I don't know much about the possibilities of computer science, but I think the ideas in this are very provocative.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dove commercial

My guess is that most of you have seen this ad -- but for those of you who haven't, it's worth watching: